Pendulum Claims Management
Pendulum Claims Management offers Professional and General Liability Claims Management to the aging services industry. We all know the increased amount of time and resources it takes to perform the many tasks associated with handling a liability claim, not to mention, the rising cost of claims. Pendulum’s services allow your organization to streamline costs by eliminating the operating expense associated with the self-administration of claims. Pendulum can promote efficiencies by providing the ongoing attention and consistency needed in managing claims to their best possible outcome. Pendulum’s team of experienced claim managers, insurance specialists, attorneys, and technical staff can provide you with the support you need.
Prepare and Protect
- Customized Aging Services Claim Information Software Program
- Expert Claim Management
- Dedicated Claim Managers
- Claim Reserving Best Practices
- SIR or Deductible Tracking
- Loss Fund Management
- Litigation Management
- Investigations